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Showing posts from March 7, 2009

How To: Convert Youtube Videos To Mp3 Songs

Now a days, All the latest songs are getting exclusively released on Youtube , The most popular video sharing website. So, It would be nice to rip Youtube video songs and to keep an Mp3 version of that song if you can't afford buying an original Cds or digital versions of that songs. Most of the the video songs are released officially on youtube, And most of them are of high quality. So you won't lose the quality of sound while ripping (converting). Convert Any Youtube Videos into Mp3 Songs - Free Online Youtube Ripping Its really easy to rip an audio from a youtube video. There are number of free online services which does this for us. Follow the steps mentioned below for ripping any youtube video and making a Mp3 sound from it. Copy the youtube video link which you want to convert to Mp3. (example: ) Go to and paste the video link in the space provided and click download. Within seconds, You'll get a ...