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Showing posts from January 12, 2009

All About FTP

Setting Up A Ftp: Well, since many of us have always wondered this, here it is. Long and drawn out. Also, before attempting this, realize one thing; You will have to give up your time, effort, bandwidth, and security to have a quality ftp server. That being said, here it goes. First of all, find out if your IP (Internet Protocol) is static (not changing) or dynamic (changes everytime you log on). To do this, first consider the fact if you have a dial up modem. If you do, chances are about 999 999 out of 1 000 000 that your IP is dynamic. To make it static, just go to a place like h*tp:// to register for a static ip address. You'll then need to get your IP. This can be done by doing this: Going to Start -> Run -> winipcfg or and asking 'What is my IP?' After doing so, you'll need to download an FTP server client. Personally, I'd recommend G6 FTP Server, Serv-U FTPor Bullitproof v2.15 all three of which are extremely reliable, and the n...

Advanced Shellcoding Techniques

Introduction This paper assumes a working knowledge of basic shellcoding techniques, and x86 assembly, I will not rehash these in this paper. I hope to teach you some of the lesser known shellcoding techniques that I have picked up, which will allow you to write smaller and better shellcodes. I do not claim to have invented any of these techniques, except for the one that uses the div instruction. The multiplicity of mul This technique was originally developed by Sorbo of The mul instruction may, on the surface, seem mundane, and it's purpose obvious. However, when faced with the difficult challenge of shrinking your shellcode, it proves to be quite useful. First some background information on the mul instruction itself. mul performs an unsigned multiply of two integers. It takes only one operand, the other is implicitly specified by the %eax register. So, a common mul instruction might look something like this: movl $0x0a,%eax mul $0x0a This would multiply t...

Accessing The Entire Internet On Your 3 Phone, U8110, E616 etc

If you have a phone thats with the provider 3 theres a simple trick to allow you to access the entire internet on its browser without having to go through 3 services and only what they want to allow you access to view. Simply do the following. Menu - 9 (for settings) - 5 (for access points) - Edit the 3 Services Change the APN (down the bottom) from 3services to 3netaccess Restart the phone And you can now access the entire internet through your phones browser. Remember you'll have to change it back if you want to access 3 services. Changing it in the browser doesn't seem to work. I have tried this on my U8110 and it worked perfectly Things to note: * Remember that you are charged for all downloads (.4c per kb on most plans) so if your cautious about your phone bill id advise staying away from sites with loads of pictures. * Also, some people have had trouble where they have accessed a site with too much information on it and the phone has either froze or reset. The phone...

A Web Standards Checklist, How to make a proper website

A web standards checklist The term web standards can mean different things to different people. For some, it is 'table-free sites', for others it is 'using valid code'. However, web standards are much broader than that. A site built to web standards should adhere to standards (HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS, XSLT, DOM, MathML, SVG etc) and pursue best practices (valid code, accessible code, semantically correct code, user-friendly URLs etc). In other words, a site built to web standards should ideally be lean, clean, CSS-based, accessible, usable and search engine friendly. About the checklist This is not an uber-checklist. There are probably many items that could be added. More importantly, it should not be seen as a list of items that must be addressed on every site that you develop. It is simply a guide that can be used: * to show the breadth of web standards * as a handy tool for developers during the production phase of websites * as an aid for developers who are interested...

Send Free Sms To India Via Email

To send sms freely, you have know the operator and the area of the service. Then, open your webmail like Gmail, Yahoo, or Rediff and send email to the and the mobile user receives it as a normal SMS, but "from" will show your email address rather than mobile number. I use Aritel AP and the messages are delivered instantly like the normal SMS. If you have to send message to an Airtel Mobile in AP just send email to Andhra Pradesh AirTel-----------Mobile Andhra Pradesh Idea Cellular-----Mobile Chennai Skycell/Airtel------------Mobile Chennai RPG Cellular-------------Mobile Delhi Airtel-----------------------Mobile Delhi Hutch-----------------------Mobile Gujarat Airtel---------------------Mobile Gujarat Idea Cellular--------------Mobile Gujarat Celforce/Fascel-----------Mobile No@...

Send Sms To Mobile Phone Via Email ( International )

SMS isn't just for sending text messages from one phone to another -- it's also a great way to get email messages on your phone. Yes, you can get email on your phone! All you need to know is your cell phone's email address. Most carriers have "SMS gateways" which take email messages from the Internet and deliver them to their customers' cell phones as SMS text messages. The trick is that you need to know what carrier the recipient's phone is on -- it's not enough to know their phone number. That's because the carrier determines what the email address of the receiving phone is going to be. For example, Cingular phones' address are all "" while Verizon phones are "" Sound complicated? It's not. All you really need to do is find your carrier in the list below, and then use the pattern shown there to figure out your email address. If you want to send email to a friend's phone, ...

Tutorial For Real Media

You may find this helpful if you donwload hundreds of short episodes in rm format like me and tired of double-click to open next files. Very easy. Use notepad to open a new file, type this inside: file://link to file1 file://link to file2 (type as many as you want) Close file. Rename it to FileName.rm Then you`re done!!!! Ex: I put my playlist file here: C:\Movies\7VNR And the movie files are in C:\Movies\7VNR\DragonBall Then inside my playlist file I`ll have something like this: file://DragonBall/db134.rm file://DragonBall/db135.rm file://DragonBall/db136.rm file://DragonBall/db137.rm file://DragonBall/db138.rm